AKTHEPROD Soulful Journey: Inside the EP 'ISOLATE'

AKTHEPROD’s Soulful Journey: Inside the EP ‘ISOLATE’

AKTHEPROD released his much-anticipated EP, ISOLATE, a deeply introspective work that delves into themes of solitude and self-discovery. Known for his innovative blend of hip-hop, R&B, and pop, AKTHEPROD uses this EP to reflect on his personal journey through isolation, particularly during his battle with COVID-19. With ISOLATE, he evolves from a promising producer to a profound artist, offering a raw and honest exploration of identity and self-acceptance. This release not only showcases his growth but also reaffirms his place as a distinctive voice in today’s music landscape, blending emotional depth with genre-defying production.

Can you briefly introduce yourself and your style of music to those who may be discovering your work for the first time?

My name is Alex K, or AKTHEPROD, and the style of music I surround my craft with is a unique blend of hip-hop, r&b, and pop!

Can you describe the journey that led you to create this EP? How did your personal challenges, including your battle with COVID-19, influence the music?

So the Covid-19 battle was minor adjacent to the actual personal struggles I’ve faced in my life, including trying to figure out my sexuality. I came up with the idea of this EP when I was sick with COVID, but the main idea behind it is how I’ve come across similar difficulties of trying to find a partner from when I was in the closet to now being openly gay. 

Which track on the EP is the most personal to you, and why?

The most personal track is definitely a tie between “Sweet” and “Talk My Shit.” “Sweet” talks about a boy who loves hard in a world where not everyone is on that same plane. Hookup culture in the gay community is often tiring and common. The message of “Talk My Shit” is exactly what the title suggests, where society tells me what I should or shouldn’t like based on my sexuality or even being a male. And how the worldview of gay people is condemned, or in some countries even illegal. 

​​When it comes to creating music, what does your typical creative process look like? How do you approach crafting a new song?

    My approach to creating music is definitely feeling out the beat first, and I’ll scan the song to try and figure out the melodic pattern of the vocal notes, and then I’ll begin to write a story about it. Generally, my stories are unintentionally about finding love or past experiences of what I thought was love with male counterparts. 

    How do you feel the EP reflects your growth as both an artist and an individual?

      This EP has definitely strengthened my confidence not only with my craft but with my personal life as well. I feel like every piece of music that I have added on over the years has led me to exactly where I’m supposed to be with it. The upgrading of equipment software and finding my voice are all things that I consider to be valuable and important.

      Can you share some insights into your songwriting process for ISOLATE?

      The lyricism behind what I’m trying to explain in these songs tells the listener that the artist does not care anymore about a certain box that society or even peers try to fit me into. I’ve been told before that I shouldn’t listen to or make hip-hop music because I don’t have a place there; however, there’s a place for everyone everywhere. I find those comments very non-inclusive, and dealing with rejection or isolation has been something I’ve felt since I was young. 

      You mentioned feeling out of place and alone before finding peace. Can you elaborate on some of the steps or practices that helped you overcome those feelings?

        Actually, making music has helped me a lot get through those feelings of displacement. Recently, the way I drown out the noise is getting behind the microphone, and before that it was making beats. I’ve been more comfortable sharing my creations too via social media. Outlets aside from the music aspect include going on hikes/walks or even going to the gym. 

        Do you see yourself exploring new themes or genres in upcoming work, or will you continue to build on the themes introduced in ISOLATE?

          I’m always open to exploring or adding new nodes of different genres down the line of my music career. For the short-term goals, I’d like to focus on expanding off the ideas and themes seen on Isolate. 

          Apart from your musical prowess, do you have any hidden talents or hobbies that fans might be surprised to learn about? 

            Other hobbies include playing basketball, and I love to play videogames like Minecraft and GTA. I also DJ occasionally. I recently just did my first wedding! 

            What message or feeling do you hope listeners take away from ISOLATE?

              The message I’d like for fans to take away from ISOLATE is that this is a quick introduction to my life; authentic and real experiences are found here. Don’t fake your life for the sake of fitting in. BE YOURSELF.

              Listen to ISOLATE here: